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Uniforms & Spirit Wear



Uniform tops will be distributed at one of the practices.  They need to be returned at the end of the year.



We will have both boys and girls pants available this year on a limited, "if you find a size that works in good condition" manner. We ask that they be returned at the end of the season.


If there is NOT an acceptable pair in that child's size (fit or wear) or if they PREFER to wear their own, you will then need to purchase pants.  We will not be purchasing pants any longer in the future. 


We do have a bin of "used" pants for any family that would like to grab a "practice" pair, in hopes of keeping the game pairs better!  Donations welcome back to this bin at the end of the season.


BOYS:  Solid Gray Pants, length personal preference

GIRLS:  Solid Black or Black with the white piping up the side.  Gathered/Elastic mid-calf.


These are part of the boys uniforms and are distributed at one of the practices.  They need to be returned at the end of the season.


While it's each players personal responsibility to purchase their own, we do have bins of "gently used" cleats that will be out at practices.  Please feel free to rummage through and grab a pair if it works, and feel free to also donate any that your player has outgrown from last year or at the end of the season!

Girls  (U14 - 7th, 8th, 9th graders) - are allowed to wear metal cleats.


We will have them available for purchase at $5.00/pair.  If you are purchasing on your own, deep/dark red knee highs.  Where ever you get them (through Rubicon or elsewhere), they are yours to keep.


Boys will need a Rubicon hat; which are available to purchase at registration for $10 per hat.  Please put boy's name somewhere on the hat!  


Girls are highly recommended to wear face guards/protectors, especially in the in-field, at the 3rd/4th grade levels and above.  Due to sanitary upkeep, it is up to each player to provide/purchase their own. 


Spirit Wear

Rubicon Spirit Wear will be available at Burghardt’s through their on-line store.   Please watch for more information.


The online store is open during registration, mid-May and end-of Oct/early-Nov for holiday gift giving.

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